Esta página é mais uma homenagem minha ao Randy, mas eu não vou contar aqui propriamente a história da vida dele.
This page is another one of my tributes to Randy, but I'm not here to tell the story of his life.
This page is another one of my tributes to Randy, but I'm not here to tell the story of his life.
Talvez eu acabe contando sim mas de forma indireta, talvez eu acabe contando aqui um pouquinho da minha história, ou talvez eu fale também um pouco sobre o imenso valor artístico e talento que marcaram a existência dele, eu acho que vai ser uma mistura disto tudo, e certamente é sobre música mas muito provavelmente transcende a música, tem a ver com vida, com emoção, com o tempo, com tudo...
Maybe I'll tell the story of Randy, but indirectly, maybe here I tell a little of my story, or maybe I'll also talk a little about the immense artistic value and talent that marked the existence of Randy, I think it will be a mix of it all, and it is certainly about music but most probably transcends music. This is about life, about emotions, about the time, the wind and about people, about everything ...
Maybe I'll tell the story of Randy, but indirectly, maybe here I tell a little of my story, or maybe I'll also talk a little about the immense artistic value and talent that marked the existence of Randy, I think it will be a mix of it all, and it is certainly about music but most probably transcends music. This is about life, about emotions, about the time, the wind and about people, about everything ...
O Randy tem sido uma presença constante em minha vida e tem marcado a minha história de forma definitiva em vários aspectos, alguns deles são incompreensíveis para quem não viveu a minha vida como eu vivi até hoje, mas mesmo assim eu vou tentar explicar um pouquinho...
Randy has been a constant presence in my life, and he has marked my story permanently in many ways, some of them are incomprehensible to anyone who didn't live my life like I lived until today, but anyway I'll try to explain a little ...
Randy has been a constant presence in my life, and he has marked my story permanently in many ways, some of them are incomprehensible to anyone who didn't live my life like I lived until today, but anyway I'll try to explain a little ...
A vida é realmente algo impressionante, e ela é de fato infinita, em todos os seus aspectos. Muitas vezes o ponto final para uns é o começo de um novo parágrafo para outros, muitas vezes a linha de chegada de uma vida é a linha de partida de uma outra corrida, de uma nova caminhada.
Life is really something amazing, and life is actually infinite in all its aspects. Often the end point for each is the beginning of a new paragraph to others, often the finish line of a life is the starting line of another race, a new journey.
Life is really something amazing, and life is actually infinite in all its aspects. Often the end point for each is the beginning of a new paragraph to others, often the finish line of a life is the starting line of another race, a new journey.
Assim foi o que aconteceu entre o Randy, e eu... e sim sim eu lamento por isto mas ao mesmo tempo eu me sinto maravilhada pelas dádivas que a vida pode nos trazer quando estamos nós seres humanos preparados para enxergar esta dádiva, e quando temos no coração amor suficiente para lutar pela nossa sobrevivência e encarar tudo, a dor, a morte, a tempestade tenebrosa, tudo mesmo para continuar em frente. E foi mais ou menos o que aconteceu comigo.
So, this is what happened between Randy and I ... but yes I'm sorry for that but at the same time I feel amazed by the gifts that life can bring us when we are humans ready to see this gift, and when we have enough love in the heart to fight for our survival and face everything! Pain, death, dark storm, all to continue to move forward. And this is what happened to me.
So, this is what happened between Randy and I ... but yes I'm sorry for that but at the same time I feel amazed by the gifts that life can bring us when we are humans ready to see this gift, and when we have enough love in the heart to fight for our survival and face everything! Pain, death, dark storm, all to continue to move forward. And this is what happened to me.
O ano era 1982 e eu era pequena ainda, mas já havia conhecido a dor de ser morta!! Desde pequena eu havia tido contato com música porque a minha família sempre foi uma família extremamente musical, e com gosto pela cultura e arte em geral. Na minha casa, todo mundo tocava instrumentos, e o único que não tocava era o meu pai, mas ele tinha o melhor ouvido da casa, bastava uma nota fora ou uma desafinada para ele se fazer notar e dizer "olha, nesta parte você errou e saiu do tom..."
The year was 1982 and I was still a small child, but had known the pain of being dead! I have contact with music since I was little, because my family has always been an extremely musical family, a family who loved art and culture in many ways. In my house, everybody played instruments, and the only one who didn't not play musical instruments was my father, but he had the best musical perception of the house. If someone was playing a wrong note or missed the pitch, he said "look, you were wrong in this part and lost the pitch ..."
The year was 1982 and I was still a small child, but had known the pain of being dead! I have contact with music since I was little, because my family has always been an extremely musical family, a family who loved art and culture in many ways. In my house, everybody played instruments, and the only one who didn't not play musical instruments was my father, but he had the best musical perception of the house. If someone was playing a wrong note or missed the pitch, he said "look, you were wrong in this part and lost the pitch ..."
Antes disto, eu e os meus irmãos já havíamos começado a ter as nossas primeiras experiências com bandas. Eram bandas de adolescentes, formadas na escola, com amigos que estudavam junto conosco, eu estudava música desde os meus 8 anos de idade e assim como meus irmãos eu comecei estudando piano clássico mas logo em seguida me encantei por um violão que havia no conservatório musical onde nós estudávamos.
Before that, me and my brothers had already begun to have our first experiences with bands. These bands were then teenagers bands, formed at school, with friends who studied with us, I studied music since I was 8 years old and my brothers and I started studying classical piano but then I was charmed by a guitar that was in music school where we studied.
Before that, me and my brothers had already begun to have our first experiences with bands. These bands were then teenagers bands, formed at school, with friends who studied with us, I studied music since I was 8 years old and my brothers and I started studying classical piano but then I was charmed by a guitar that was in music school where we studied.
Então eu passei para o violão, e depois de um tempo eu conheci o Black Sabbath e passei a me interessar por heavy metal, e guitarras.
So I went to the acoustic guitar, and after a while I met Black Sabbath and started getting interested in heavy metal, and eletric guitars.
So I went to the acoustic guitar, and after a while I met Black Sabbath and started getting interested in heavy metal, and eletric guitars.
1982 era um ano em uma época totalmente diferente da época em que vivemos hoje, especialmente no Brasil, recém saído de uma ditadura militar, perdido no meio das névoas dos anos 80. Mas além disso, não havia internet, não havia celulares, o meio mais rápido de mídia que existia era ainda o rádio, o underground vivia de postagens no correio, malas diretas, flyers de shows e caixa postal em xerox recortados em pequenos pedaços de papel, e rock era total underground naquela época, então você simplesmente não tinha informação em massa, e muitas vezes só ficava sabendo de algo ou ouvindo o rádio ou através de comentários muito tempo depois do fato ter acontecido.
1982 was a year in a totally different way of the day we live in today, especially in Brazil, fresh out of a military dictatorship, lost in the mists of the 80s. But beyond that, there was no internet, no cell phones, the fastest media that there was still the radio, the underground communicated through postings in the mail, flyers for shows and mailbox in xerox cut into small pieces of paper. And rock was something completely underground at the time, then you just did not have mass information, and many times you only would know something when listening to the radio or through comments long after the fact have happened.
Eu e os meus irmãos tínhamos um amigo de escola que tocava bateria, e nós sempre estávamos na casa dele. Em 1982 eu resolvi comprar um disco de rock para dar de presente a ele no dia do seu aniversário, e ele gostava de rock assim como nós gostávamos, então eu fui a uma loja de discos para comprar um disco para ele e, mexendo nas prateleiras onde os discos ficavam expostos, de repente eu encontrei um disco com o nome do vocalista do Black Sabbath na capa.
Me and my brothers had a school friend who played drums, and we were always at his house. In 1982 I decided to buy a rock album to give as a gift to him on his birthday, and he liked rock as we liked, so I went to a record store to buy a album for him and, looking at the shelves where the albums are displayed in this store, I suddenly found a album with the name of the lead singer of Black Sabbath on the cover.
Eu nem sabia que ele havia lançado um disco sozinho, na verdade eu nem imaginava que ele havia saído do Black Sabbath! Era o Blizzard of Ozz, eu achei interessante e comprei mesmo sem ouvir ou ver direito o disco, pedi para embrulhar para presente e o levei.
I didn't know he had released a solo album, I actually didn't realize he had left Black Sabbath! It was Blizzard of Ozz, I found it interesting and bought even without hearing or seeing the album, I ordered a gift package and took it.
Como as nossas famílias eram amigas, nós fomos para a casa dele antes da festa para ajudar a arrumar a casa para receber as pessoas, então ele ligou o toca-discos dele em um amplificador de guitarra para deixar o som bem alto através de uma ligação maluca com fios e, para testar o som da festa, ele resolveu colocar justamente o disco que eu havia dado de presente para ele.
As our families were friends, we went to his house before the party to help clean the house to get people, so he turned a pickup to a guitar amplifier to make the sound loud through a crazy connection with wires and to test the sound of the party, he decided to play the album that I had given him.
Ele foi lá, tirou o disco da embalagem, colocou no toca-discos, ligou o amplificador, era uma tarde de sol e nós estávamos no quintal da casa dele... e foi então que, entre os segundos iniciais da música "I Don´t Know", a minha vida mudou para sempre!!
He picked up the album, removed from its packaging, turned on the amp, and it was a sunny afternoon in the backyard of his house ... and then, between the initial seconds of the song "I Don´t Know", my life changed forever!
He picked up the album, removed from its packaging, turned on the amp, and it was a sunny afternoon in the backyard of his house ... and then, between the initial seconds of the song "I Don´t Know", my life changed forever!
Primeiro veio um tipo de reverberação em suspense, e de repente um som de palheta raspando nas cordas da guitarra rasgou o suspense e logo em seguida lá estava eu com a capa do disco nas mãos tentando ver afinal quem era aquele guitarrista impressionante que acabava de fazer as minhas orelhinhas derreterem, subhanallah eu nunca na minha vida tinha ouvido algo igual, nunca mesmo, e para piorar a situação a edição brasileira do Blizzard of Ozz não tinha encarte, e a foto da banda na contra-capa não era nítida, de forma que eu estava vendo apenas metade do guitarrista e uma Gibson Les Paul aparentemente creme em suas mãos. Foi lá que eu li pela primeira vez um nome que nunca mais sairia da minha vida: Randy Rhoads...
First, I heard a kind of reverberation in suspense, and suddenly a sound produced by the pick scraping guitar strings ripped the suspense and, shortly after that, I was with the album cover in my hands, trying to find out who was that awesome guitar player who had just made my little ears melt! Subhanallah! I had never heard anything like this in my life, ever! And to make things more difficult, The Brazilian edition of Blizzard of Ozz did not come with the booklet, and band photo on the back cover was not clear, so I was only seeing a half of the image of the guitar player and a Gibson Les Paul apparently cream on your hands. And that was when I read a name that will never go out of my life: Randy Rhoads ...
First, I heard a kind of reverberation in suspense, and suddenly a sound produced by the pick scraping guitar strings ripped the suspense and, shortly after that, I was with the album cover in my hands, trying to find out who was that awesome guitar player who had just made my little ears melt! Subhanallah! I had never heard anything like this in my life, ever! And to make things more difficult, The Brazilian edition of Blizzard of Ozz did not come with the booklet, and band photo on the back cover was not clear, so I was only seeing a half of the image of the guitar player and a Gibson Les Paul apparently cream on your hands. And that was when I read a name that will never go out of my life: Randy Rhoads ...
Aquilo era algo incrível!! A minha alma dançava por entre harmonias diferentes, com ares clássicos e algo de flamenco na combinação das notas e principalmente na incrível palhetada que ele usava, algo como asas de um beija-flor batendo no ar, algo de fato impressionante.
That was something amazing! My soul danced through different harmonies, sounding something classical and flamenco on a combination of notes and especially the incredible picking he used, like the wings of a hummingbird beating the air, something really really impressive.
That was something amazing! My soul danced through different harmonies, sounding something classical and flamenco on a combination of notes and especially the incredible picking he used, like the wings of a hummingbird beating the air, something really really impressive.
Outro amigo nosso havia dado de presente para o aniversariante, por coincidência, o duplo ao vivo Speak of the Devil e este era pior ainda, não havia informação nenhuma na edição brasileira, nem mesmo o nome dos músicos, nós ouvimos mas não era a mesma coisa, dava para ver que não era o mesmo guitarrista, eu fiquei sem entender nada, até que no dia seguinte alguém me falou "é porque o guitarrista que toca no Blizzard of Ozz morreu..."
Another friend of ours had given as a present for the birthday, coincidentally, the double live Speak of the Devil, And the situation of this album was even worse than the case of Blizzard, cause there was no information in the Brazilian edition, not even the names of the musicians, but we heard and was not the same thing, I could see that was not the same guitar player. I didn't understand anything until the next day someone told me " cause the guitar player who plays in the Blizzard of Ozz died ..."
Another friend of ours had given as a present for the birthday, coincidentally, the double live Speak of the Devil, And the situation of this album was even worse than the case of Blizzard, cause there was no information in the Brazilian edition, not even the names of the musicians, but we heard and was not the same thing, I could see that was not the same guitar player. I didn't understand anything until the next day someone told me " cause the guitar player who plays in the Blizzard of Ozz died ..."
Como assim? Então eu acabava de ficar chocada com um guitarrista que eu não conhecia e não sabia nada sobre ele, e este guitarrista já tinha falecido? Eu torcia muito para ser mais uma das notícias sem nenhum sentido que ouvíamos por aqui, eu sei de muitas pessoas naquela época que odiavam o John Bonham porque ele havia matado o Karac, filho do Robert Plant, e em seguida havia se suicidado, e tudo isto era mentira!!
How so? So I'd just be shocked with a guitar player that I didn't know and didn't know anything about him, and this guitar player had died? I really hoped to be one of the most insane news we heard here, I know of many people at that time who hated John Bonham cause supposedly he had killed Karac, son of Robert Plant, and then had committed suicide, and this was all lie!
How so? So I'd just be shocked with a guitar player that I didn't know and didn't know anything about him, and this guitar player had died? I really hoped to be one of the most insane news we heard here, I know of many people at that time who hated John Bonham cause supposedly he had killed Karac, son of Robert Plant, and then had committed suicide, and this was all lie!
Eu comprei o Blizzard para mim, e como não conseguia saber nada sobre aquele carinha com uma Gibson creme que tocava no disco, resolvi escrever para uma nova revista sobre rock que havia sido lançada recentemente no Brasil pedindo uma matéria sobre ele, e para a minha surpresa eles me atenderam, e infelizmente a matéria confirmava que de fato o Randy havia falecido naquele mesmo ano em um acidente de avião.
I bought Blizzard for me, and how I could not know anything about that guy with a cream Gibson who played on the album, I decided to write for a new magazine about rock that was recently launched in Brazil asking a story about him, and to my surprise they responded to my request, and unfortunately the matter that was published in the magazine actually confirmed that Randy had died that year in a plane crash.
I bought Blizzard for me, and how I could not know anything about that guy with a cream Gibson who played on the album, I decided to write for a new magazine about rock that was recently launched in Brazil asking a story about him, and to my surprise they responded to my request, and unfortunately the matter that was published in the magazine actually confirmed that Randy had died that year in a plane crash.
Foi assim que eu conheci o Randy, e foi assim que eu encontrei um novo motivo para me dedicar, a música, e isto me salvou de uma completa destruição, porque um pouco antes disto eu havia passado pela pior coisa que aconteceu em minha vida, e que eu levaria muitos anos para superar, mas certamente sem a presença do Randy em minha vida, teria sido algo muito pior do que foi...
That's how I met Randy, and that's how I found a new reason to devote myself to music, and it saved me from a complete destruction, because just before this I had passed the worst thing that happened to me in my life, and I would take many years to overcome the traumas, but certainly without the presence of Randy in my life, it would have been much worse than it was ...
That's how I met Randy, and that's how I found a new reason to devote myself to music, and it saved me from a complete destruction, because just before this I had passed the worst thing that happened to me in my life, and I would take many years to overcome the traumas, but certainly without the presence of Randy in my life, it would have been much worse than it was ...
A primeira coisa que me impressionou demais no Randy foi a emotividade de suas frases e harmonias aliada à alta velocidade da palheta, era algo que me lembrava Paco de Lucia, mas com muita distorção e um timbre simplesmente maravilhoso para mim, encorpado, rico, complexo, marcante.
The first thing that really impressed me on Randy, was the emotionality of his phrases and harmonies combined with the high speed of the pick, it was something that reminded me of Paco de Lucia, but in a different way, with a lot of distortion and a sound simply wonderful to me, stocky, rich, complex, remarkable.
The first thing that really impressed me on Randy, was the emotionality of his phrases and harmonies combined with the high speed of the pick, it was something that reminded me of Paco de Lucia, but in a different way, with a lot of distortion and a sound simply wonderful to me, stocky, rich, complex, remarkable.
A segunda coisa que me impressionou no Randy, e que eu comecei a descobrir a partir do momento em que comecei a ouvir ele tocar, e os meios de comunicação começaram a melhorar em termos de tecnologia, foi a história dele... e a terceira coisa foi o ser humano que ele foi.
The second thing that made me really impressed with Randy, was something that I started to find out from the moment I started listening to him play, and the media began to improve in terms of technology, was his story .. . and the third thing was the human being he was.
The second thing that made me really impressed with Randy, was something that I started to find out from the moment I started listening to him play, and the media began to improve in terms of technology, was his story .. . and the third thing was the human being he was.
Ao longo dos anos, o que ele deixou de legado começou pouco a pouco a mudar a cara da guitarra no mundo todo, e ele nunca chegou a ver isto acontecer, isto é algo chocante, o Randy se foi sem ter visto o impacto que ele causou no mundo todo, na música em geral.
Over the years, the legacy he left behind gradually began to change the face of the guitar in the world, and he may never see this happen, this is something shocking, Randy went without seeing the impact he caused worldwide in music.
Over the years, the legacy he left behind gradually began to change the face of the guitar in the world, and he may never see this happen, this is something shocking, Randy went without seeing the impact he caused worldwide in music.
Randy nasceu em 06 de dezembro de 1956 em Santa Mônica, na Califórnia, em uma família que vivia dentro da música. Seus pais eram professores de música e tanto o seu irmão quanto a irmã dele tocavam.
Randy was born on December 6, 1956 in Santa Monica, California, in a family that lived inside the music. His parents were both music teachers and his brother as his sister played.
Aos 15 anos de idade ele já era um professor de guitarra muito requisitado na Mussonia, a escola de música de sua mãe, que existe e funciona até hoje, e pouco tempo depois ele já tinha uma verdadeira legião de fãs locais por sua atuação no Quiet Riot, em sua primeira encarnação.
At 15 years old, he was already a highly regarded guitar teacher in Mussonia, the music school of his mother, who exists and works today. And shortly after he had a true legion of local fans for his performance in Quiet Riot, in its first incarnation.
At 15 years old, he was already a highly regarded guitar teacher in Mussonia, the music school of his mother, who exists and works today. And shortly after he had a true legion of local fans for his performance in Quiet Riot, in its first incarnation.
Manuscrito, aula dada pelo Randy
Randy dizia que ele é que mais aprendeu quando dava aula de música, e dar aulas era algo que ele gostava muito, algo que ele só interrompeu quando os compromissos com o Ozzy realmente o impediram de lecionar.
Randy said that he who more learned when he gave music lessons, and teaching was something he loved, something he only stopped when commitments with Ozzy really stop him from teaching.
Randy said that he who more learned when he gave music lessons, and teaching was something he loved, something he only stopped when commitments with Ozzy really stop him from teaching.
Sala de aula em que o Randy lecionava, preservada como ele deixou na Mussonia, escola de música da mãe dele, que ainda existe e funciona.
Diz a lenda que ele não estava muito interessado em fazer teste para tocar com o Ozzy quando este esteve na Califórnia procurando um guitarrista de personalidade própria para montar a sua nova banda depois que ele saiu do Black Sabbath, e que quando ele foi procurar o Ozzy no hotel em que ele estava hospedado, o Ozzy na verdade resolveu atendê-lo porque já estava nervoso e irritado por não encontrar um bom guitarrista, e ele estava pronto para passar uma bronca naquele menino de cabelo loiro com uma Les Paul a tiracolo mas, enquanto o Randy estava apenas aquecendo para começar a tocar, o Ozzy percebeu que havia encontrado o guitarrista que ele estava procurando.
Legend has it that he was not very interested in auditioning to play with Ozzy when Ozzy was in California looking for a guitar player with a unique personality to assemble his new band after he left Black Sabbath, and that when he went to the hotel where Ozzy was, Ozzy actually decided to hear him play cause he was nervous and angry at not finding a good guitar player, and he was ready to spend an earful on that blonde haired boy with a Les Paul but, while Randy was just warming up to start playing, Ozzy realized he found what he was looking.
Legend has it that he was not very interested in auditioning to play with Ozzy when Ozzy was in California looking for a guitar player with a unique personality to assemble his new band after he left Black Sabbath, and that when he went to the hotel where Ozzy was, Ozzy actually decided to hear him play cause he was nervous and angry at not finding a good guitar player, and he was ready to spend an earful on that blonde haired boy with a Les Paul but, while Randy was just warming up to start playing, Ozzy realized he found what he was looking.
Com o Ozzy, Randy pode dar vazão a toda a sua criatividade musical e ser ele mesmo, porque o Quiet Riot era uma banda nova e pequena que muitas vezes tentava se adequar ao mercado em busca de um contrato com uma gravadora, já que todos eram de origem simples e precisavam fazer a banda acontecer para manter a sua própria vida.
With Ozzy, Randy can give freedom to all his musical creativity and be himself, cause Quiet Riot was a new and small band who often tried to adapt to the market in search of a contract with a record company.
With Ozzy, Randy can give freedom to all his musical creativity and be himself, cause Quiet Riot was a new and small band who often tried to adapt to the market in search of a contract with a record company.
No entanto, apesar de toda a satisfação musical que isto trazia para ele, é certo que ele tinha planos de sair da banda do Ozzy para se formar em violão clássico e voltar a dar aulas, além de se dedicar à música clássica.
However, despite all the musical enjoyment it brought to him, it is certain that he had plans to leave the band of Ozzy to graduate in classical guitar and re-teaching as well as working on classical music.
However, despite all the musical enjoyment it brought to him, it is certain that he had plans to leave the band of Ozzy to graduate in classical guitar and re-teaching as well as working on classical music.
Embora possamos encontrar interessantes trabalhos de mescla entre rock e música clássica no Ritchie Blackmore por exemplo desde a época do Deep Purple e com acentuação nos primeiros trabalhos do Rainbow, foi a partir do Randy que aconteceu a fusão perfeita e equilibrada entre a música erudita e o heavy metal propriamente dito, e com isto o Randy acabou dando origem a toda uma nova geração de guitarristas virtuosos que culminou com a explosão de guitarras dos anos 90.
While we may find interesting work mix between rock and classical music for example in Ritchie Blackmore from Deep Purple and with his first work on Rainbow, was from the music of Randy that happened the perfect fusion between classical music and heavy metal, and with it, Randy eventually gave rise to a whole new generation of guitar virtuosos that culminated in the explosion of guitars in the 90s.
Mas ele não chegou a ver isto acontecer, em 19 de março de 1982 Randy Rhoads perdeu a vida em um trágico e inesperado acidente com um pequeno avião pilotado pelo motorista do tour bus da banda do Ozzy, em Flyin Baron States, um pequeno vilarejo em Leesbury, na Flórida. Ele tinha então 25 anos, estava noivo, e tinha toda uma vida pela frente...
But he didn't actually see it happen, cause unfortunately on March 19, 1982 Randy Rhoads was killed in a tragic and unexpected accident with a small plane piloted by the driver of the tour bus of Ozzy's band in Flyin Baron States, a small village in Leesbury, Florida. He was then 25 years old, was engaged, and had a whole life ahead ...
But he didn't actually see it happen, cause unfortunately on March 19, 1982 Randy Rhoads was killed in a tragic and unexpected accident with a small plane piloted by the driver of the tour bus of Ozzy's band in Flyin Baron States, a small village in Leesbury, Florida. He was then 25 years old, was engaged, and had a whole life ahead ...
A música é algo impressionante porque ela não é como uma escultura, ou um filme, ela praticamente não existe em termos físicos, a não ser pelo deslocamento de ar que ela provoca e pelas vibrações harmônicas causadas por este deslocamento de ar organizado. No entanto, ela é capaz de mudar e ilustrar sentimentos, é capaz de tocar fundo a alma de uma pessoa, e nenhum músico no mundo todo é capaz de tocar a minha alma como o Randy a toca, independente de estilo musical, ou instrumento tocado...
Music is something amazing cause its not like a sculpture, or a movie. It practically does not exist in physical terms, except by air displacement it causes and the harmonic vibrations caused by this air displacement organized. However, music is able to change and illustrate feelings, able to touch the soul of a person, no musician was able to touch my soul like Randy, no matter what musical style or instrument played...
A música é capaz de mudar a história de uma vida, e no meu caso foi capaz de ajudar a salvar uma vida, a minha vida, que com 12 anos de idade, estava destruída.
Ao Randy a minha eterna gratidão por isto e por tudo o mais que ele trouxe para a minha vida, e o meu amor eterno...
Music is able to change the history of a life, and in my case was able to help save a life, my life, cause when I was 12, my life was destroyed.
To Randy my eternal gratitude for this and for everything else he brought to my life, and my eternal love ...
Music is able to change the history of a life, and in my case was able to help save a life, my life, cause when I was 12, my life was destroyed.
To Randy my eternal gratitude for this and for everything else he brought to my life, and my eternal love ...
A foto do Randy que eu mais amo, ele é o menino de camiseta branca... esta é a foto dele que eu mais gosto e mais amo...
This is my favorite picture of Randy! =)
This is my favorite picture of Randy! =)
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