domingo, 26 de fevereiro de 2017

Just warm up for EDEN SEED rehearsal... =)

This is a video that a dear friend filmed during the EDEN SEED rehearsal on February 25, 2017.

Just warm up for the band rehearsal, you know? =)

But, I liked. It was really cool! =)

Este é um vídeo que uma amiga querida filmou durante o ensaio do EDEN SEED em 25 de fevereiro de 2017.

Apenas aquecendo para o ensaio da banda, tá bom? =)

Mas eu gostei. Ficou legal! =)

sexta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2017

February 21 - Official release of the new EDEN SEED video on FACEBOOK!

No dia 21/02 o EDEN SEED estará lançando seu novo videoclipe! E como na imagem acima, vem aí uma surpresa inusitada que surpreenderá a todos! O lançamento será feito na página do evento no Facebook, e somente as pessoas que confirmarem a presença terão acesso ao vídeo antes do lançamento público!

On February 21, EDEN SEED will be releasing their new music video! And as in the image above, comes an unexpected surprise that will surprise everyone! The release will be made on the page of the event on Facebook, and only people who confirm their presence will have exclusive access to the video before the public release!

Confirme sua presença e assista com exclusividade \\m//

Confirm your presence, and watch with exclusivity \\m//

EDEN SEED - Review about RISING UP EP on Metal Samsara


O excelente site METAL SAMSARA publicou uma resenha sobre o EP RISING UP, do EDEN SEED, esta semana. O RISING UP foi lançado em 2016 e portanto ainda conta com a formação anterior da banda.

Eu gostei muito da análise do METAL SAMSARA, embora eu discorde de algumas coisas. EDEN SEED é de fato uma banda de thrash metal e, sim sim, nós temos muitas influências do heavy metal tradicional, mas a banda é realmente eclética e o segredo da inovação está na mistura de elementos que nós fazemos. E isto vai ser comprovado especialmente através do trabalho da nova formação do EDEN SEED.

Mas eu gostei da resenha, e agradeço a todos do METAL SAMSARA por isto, tá bom? =)

The excellent site METAL SAMSARA has published a review about EDEN SEED's EP RISING UP this week. RISING UP was released in 2016 and therefore still counts on the previous line up of the band.

I really liked the SAMSARA METAL analysis, although I disagree with some things. EDEN SEED is indeed a thrash metal band and yes, we have many influences from traditional heavy metal, but the band is really eclectic and the secret of innovation lies in the mix of elements we make. And this will be especially proven through the work of the new EDEN SEED line up.

But I liked the review, and thank you all METAL SAMSARA for this, okay? =)

"Well, Heavy Metal and all its variations are a universal language, which reach fans of all kinds. It's precisely this universality that does us all so well.

Proving this universality, we have EDEN SEED, from São Paulo, a traditional Metal band with a very good job, as the EP "Rising Up" is here to prove.

What we have in the EP: a quartet doing a work based on traditional Metal with something of Thrash Metal in some parts, a good dose of melody and weight. The songs are creative, the melodic lines very good, and a bass and drums heavyweight work, in a solid rhythmic kitchen and worked to the right measure, as well as extremely virtuous guitars, with heavy and solid riffs and very well made solos ( In a line that brings us to mind names like Randy Rhoads and Jake E. Lee). The only sin of the band really is in the vocal lines, since they are not 100% compatible with the sonority of the group. And this needs to be remedied, putting a greater dose of aggressiveness.

Bassist Caio and guitarist Gisele did the work of sound engineering and production, and Gisele still mastered. The sound is good, with well-audible instruments and good timbres. But it needs to be improved, because it's sounding a little raw beyond what is necessary. And the cover art and layout are also by Gisele (this girl is really talented in many ways), and she looked great, showing elements of interesting cultural diversity.

Although not seeking to be innovative, EDEN SEED shows that it has potential, and a lot. The instrumental part of the band is perfect, solid and presents first arrangements. But as already said, the vocals need to adapt urgently to what the musical work of the quartet. It may even be a recording problem, but even so, a little more aggressiveness will do wonders.

The aggressive and heavy riffs of "Return" seduce us already at first audition, and then there's a virtuous solo (without being that shred thing to and fro); And "Spirit in Hell" already features that strength of a cadenced and strong rhythm with bass and drums shown their importance within the musicality of the group.

Acting the recording (since the band is already preparing the first album), and the singer is better suited to what the group asks, is guaranteed success.

Oh yes, I need to talk about two things:

1. EDEN SEED is a metal band, and the personal faith of guitarist Gisele has little or nothing to do with the group's musical / lyric question. So, stick to music only;

2. The EP is available on Youtube."

sexta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2017


Quem me conhece pessoalmente, sabe que eu discordo em 99,99% de tudo e de todos os aspectos em relação ao meu país.

As minhas críticas em relação a todos os aspectos do Brasil e de sua população são contundentes e sem condescendência, embora eu tenha consciência de que o brasileiro faz tudo totalmente errado por ser ainda infantil, e sem nenhum tipo de consciência ou capacidade cognitiva mais elevada.

Mas eu de fato não passo a mão na cabeça de ninguém aqui nesta pobre terra confusa e errada, e eu sou da opinião de que o Brasil é lamentável por culpa da sua população, que desrespeita as leis, elege bandidos e calhordas, e depois reclama.

Mas no momento eu estou aliviada porque o meu país, com toda a sua insignificância internacional, ao menos em um primeiro momento está seguro, porque o planeta inteiro enlouqueceu.

Então você tem um incêndio de grandes proporções e, para apagar o fogo, você joga gasolina nele?

Não, não se apaga um incêndio jogando gasolina no fogo. 

Não se apaga uma fogueira colocando mais lenha nela.

Eu ainda espero que a loucura seja apenas os últimos suspiros de um modelo de sociedade que de fato já morreu, e não há mais como voltar atrás, mas estes suspiros trouxeram agora a volta do fascismo, da truculência, da brutalidade e da ignorância.

Eu estou triste com isto, porque eu sei que as consequências serão muito graves, e terríveis para toda a Humanidade.

Eu estou aliviada porque o meu país, afundado em corrupção, desorganização, ineficiência, ignorância, incompetência, se perde em seus próprios abismos e não tem de fato importância nenhuma no jogo sujo da geopolítica mundial.

Mas isto não me faz ficar menos triste, pela humanidade, pela vida, por este planeta, que de fato é um lindo planeta, mas infelizmente está infestado pela praga que se chama Humanidade.. 😢

A humanidade de fato involuiu!

Eu continuo a observar o horizonte, com esperança de ainda ver o surgimento de uma nova geração mais inteligente, consciente, e verdadeiramente evoluída...

(E eu que pensei que Hitler havia falecido... mas a verdade é que ele apenas mudou a cor dos cabelos... 😩 )

Who knows me personally, knows that I disagree in 99.99% of all aspects regarding my country.

My criticisms regarding all aspects of Brazil and his population are strong and without condescension, although I'm aware that the Brazilians does everything totally wrong because they are still childish, and without any type of consciousness or higher cognitive ability.

But I don't really put my hand on anyone's head here in this poor confused and wrong land, and I have an opinion that Brazil is lamentable because of his population, who disrespects the laws, elects thugs and rascals, And then they complain about the country situation..

But at the moment I'm relieved that my country, with all his international insignificance, at least at first is safe because the whole planet has gone mad.

So you have a major fire and, to put out the fire, do you throw gas at it?

No, you don't put out a fire by throwing gasoline on the fire.

A fire is not extinguished by putting more firewood in it.

I still hope that the madness is only the last breath of a model of society that has already died, and there is no turning back, but these sighs have now brought the return of fascism, truculence, brutality and ignorance.

I'm sad about this, because I know the consequences will be very serious, and terrible for all the mankind.

I'm relieved that my country, sunk in corruption, disorganization, inefficiency, ignorance, incompetence, and a total lack of consciousness, gets lost in its own abysses and has no real importance at all in the dirty play of world geopolitics.

But this doesn't make me less sad, for the mankind, for the life, for this planet, which in fact is a beautiful planet, but unfortunately is infested by a plague... and we're this plague 😢

The Mankind did indeed involute!

I continue to observe the horizon, hoping to still see the appearance Of a new generation that is in fact smarter, conscious, and truly evolved...

(And I thought Hitler had died ... but the truth is that he just changed the color of his hair ... 😟)